Art Studio course gallery 

Assignment: It’s A Sin

The starting point for this assignment is the current exhibition, ‘Sin‘ which is on at the National Gallery. The show brings together a number of classic and contemporary artworks which centree around ideas of sin – an act of wrongdoing that is deemed morally or spiritually  / religiously offensive or forbidden.

Here is some work made by some of the artists taking part in the project:

Jane Clark  – Seven Environmental Sins ( 7 individual cards in box):
Polluting, Cruel farming methods, Over fishing, Changing the Climate, Destroying the Forest, Arctic Oil Drilling, Consuming Too Much)

Compressed charcoal on paper (work in progress)

Jane Clark  – Seven Environmental Sins ( 7 individual cards in box):
Polluting, Cruel farming methods, Over fishing, Changing the Climate, Destroying the Forest, Arctic Oil Drilling, Consuming Too Much)

Compressed charcoal on paper (work in progress)

Sylvie Fenton – A Tightrope Walker in the Branches of
The Tree of Vices and Virtues
(inspired by
Tree of Vices – Psalter of Robert de Lisle and the artwork of Takato Saito)
Sculpture: wood, lead solder wire and medallions with collage, arylic, ink and silver pearls

Sylvie Fenton – A Tightrope Walker in the Branches of
The Tree of Vices and Virtues
(inspired by
Tree of Vices – Psalter of Robert de Lisle and the artwork of Takato Saito)
Sculpture: wood, lead solder wire and medallions with collage, arylic, ink and silver pearls

Sylvie Fenton – A Tightrope Walker in the Branches of
The Tree of Vices and Virtues (detail)
(inspired by
Tree of Vices – Psalter of Robert de Lisle and the artwork of Takato Saito)
Sculpture: wood, lead solder wire and medallions with collage, arylic, ink and silver pearls

Lynn Laws – Original Sin
Acrylic on paper

Lynn Laws – Tattoo Design: Original Sin
Charcoal on paper
Lynn Laws – Pangs of Jealousy
Acrylic on paper
Jan D. – Envy is Very Green
Acrylic and graphite on paper

Jan – Bursting with Pride
Acrylic and ink on paper

Jan. D – Anger Eruptions
Acrylic and ink on paper

Jo Melhuish – Escape/The New Scapegoats (After Holman Hunt)
Acrylic on paper
Jane G – Gluttony
(After Hieronymus Bosch, The Last Judgement (detail) c1450-1516
Acrylic on paper
Diana Boydell – After William Blake’s Eve Tempted by the Serpent
Watercolour on paper

Diana Boydell – After Masaccio’s Expulsion from Eden
Watercolour pencil on paper

Diana Boydell – Monochrome after Masaccio’s Expulsion from Eden
Watercolour pencil on paper
Jane Harris – Mr Creosote from Python’s Meaning of Life
(after Aubrey Beardsley)

Ink on paper
Jane Harris – Sinless Woman (after Gwen John)
Graphite and watercolour on paper
Jane Harris – Seven Deadly Sins
Becky E. – Night and Day 
 Acrylic on Paper
Becky E. – Perspective
Ink on paper
Becky E. – Sins
Acrylic on paper
Jan G. – Just ONE More?

Acrylic on paper

Christie Archer – The Seven Deadly Sins! Anger & Wrath

Dieter – Taste It
Dry point and ink on paper

Dieter – Are You Sure?
Dry point, ink and watercolour on paper

Dieter – Would You Like A Strawberry?
Dry point, ink and watercolour on paper

Hilary – Selfish
Graphite on paper

Paula – When  is Anger Not a Sin? I

Paula – When  is Anger Not a Sin? II

Paula – When  is Anger Not a Sin? III