Art Studio Online
Assignment: Year of the Ox
The starting point for this brief was Chinese New Year and the new year being The Year of the Ox. Artists were invited to explore ideas around the event as well as other ox and cow-related themes.
Here’s a selection of artwork and prepatory studies made by some of the Art Project course artists taking part in the project.
Clare – Heifer
Pastel on paper
Clare – Cattle Stones
Pebbles, wood, iron fragments
Clare – Sacrilege
Digital drawing
Harriet – With the Cows in the Studio
Digital photograph of mixed media sculptures
Harriet – With the Cows in the Shadows
Digital photograph
Maurice – Deconstructed Bull
Ink and watercolour
Maurice – The Honour and Bravery of the Matador is Celebrated in his
“Suit of Light”
Digital collage |
Maurice – English Village Scene Without Cattle (After Turner)
Cut print on paper
Chris – Cowslip
Acrylic on paper
Chris – The End of Poshspice
Collage and mixed media |
Chris – The Black Cow
Digital collage: graphite and charcoal drawing on found digital image
with digital text
Becky E. – Year of the Ox
Graphite on Paper
Kate Fabian – Cows Around The House
Graphite on paper
Dieter – Highland Cow
Graphite on paper
Dieter –Warhol’s Cow
Drypoint print, charcoal and watercolour on paper
Dieter – La vache qui rit (1/5)
Drypoint print and watercolour on paper
Sylvie – la course à la cocarde
Mixed media
Artist supplied text: This bullfighting game or “free race” first appeared in the middle of the 19th century. Recognized as a sport by the French Ministry of Sports, la course à la cocarde is a game without killing and the animal doesn’t suffer any bad treatment. Within the arenas, the “raseteurs” (young men dressed all in white) must recover the 3 attached trophies: the “cocarde” between the bull’s horns, the “gland” at the base of the horns and the “ficelles” around the bull’s horns. The Camargue bull is very agile and can surprise the best raseteurs. The most prestigious race is “Le Trophée des As”.
Moira – Cattle Watch
Ink and watercolour on paper
Moira – In the Thick of It!
Watercolour and pencil on paper
Moira – Cow Spirit Dancing
Ink and watercolour on paper
Jo Melhuish – Mahishasura, The Buffalo Demon: Views from
Chamundi Hill, Mysore
Acrylic on paper
JC – Study of Cows
Watercolour on paper
Christie Archer – Camouflage Cow
Collage: newspaper on paper |
Christie Archer – Shredded Highland
Collage: cardboard on paper |
Christie Archer – Woolie Highland
Wool and pastel
Lynn Laws – Heilan Coo
Pastel on paper
Lynn Laws – Cave Painting
Mixed media
Lynn – Buttercup and Jack
Acrylic on paper |
Hilary – Not Ready to be a Vegan
Acrylic on paper |
Jane – New Forest Cattle
Jane – Untitled
Handmade card folio with collage containing 20 individual artworks – 4 Conte crayon drawings, 2 watercolour paintings and 14 ink drawings |
Jane – Untitled
Handmade card folio with collage containing 20 individual artworks – 4 Conte crayon drawings, 2 watercolour paintings and 14 ink drawings |