Art Studio course gallery 

Assignment: Upcycling Day 2023

Here’s a selection of artwork and studies made by some of the course artists taking part:

Pamela Baldwin – Peacock At Home
Two round plastic containers, shampoo bottle, paper wings,
face/head playdoh, glass eyes, glass frit, cut up pompoms,
paper beak, sugar tongues & wire, supported with wood, fan.
Pamela Baldwin – Peacock At Liberty
As above with silk peacock scarf from Liberty’s.
Pamela Baldwin – Photoshoot
Box made with cardboard, metal stake,
wire & rubber bands, film canisters, paper leaves/feathers
painted with tea or coffee, dried tea leaves for earth
Ruth Hanmer – The chicken needs repurposing
Acrylic on paper + mixed media sculpture
Ruth Hanmer – The Repurposed Chicken
Collage on paper and cane frame
Ruth Hanmer – A head inspired by medieval stained glass
Collage on paper
Maria M. – Untitled 
Pre-existing painting – acrylic on board
Maria M. – Rainbow Girl
Collage on board
Maria M. – Butterfly Girl
Collage on board
Larraine – The Eyes Have It – beware
Mixed media – reused paper, acrylic, watercolour pencils, magazines

Larraine – The Game Goes Up and Down !!
Collage using old newspapers

Theresa – End of Life
Graphite on paper

Theresa – Re-invention
Ink pen, graphite and acrylic pen on newspaper

Dieter – Young Man I

Drypoint print with watercolour on paper

Dieter – Monster of the Sea
Drypoint print cubomanie on paper
Dieter – Summer Abstract
Drypoint print cubomanie with watercolours on paper

Pauline – Upcycling 1-Brothers Water (Cumbria):
Biro ink on magazine photograph

Pauline – Upcycling 2 – industrial site (found photograph)
Biro ink on newspaper

Sylvie Fenton – Rolling Ball
Collage of a cut art print picture on paper including  fabric and cut stickers

Collage of a cut art print picture on paper including  newspaper and acrylic painted shapes

Sylvie Fenton – Cross Sea
Collage of a cut art print picture on paper including newspaper, fabric and plastic packets enclosed in a square wooden frame spray painted comprising aluminium wire, on 2 sides

Christie  – Greek island cobbled street
Collage – paper, house and garden materials
Christie – Reference photo for collage (see above)
Clare – Beachcombings
Montage of found objects
Lindsey – Der Nielsen by Paul Klee – an interpretation
Collage- watercolour and material
Lindsey – Flower in a Tin Can
Collage – watercolour and material
Maria – Where’s the coal scuttle?
Watercolour on paper
Moira – Hang up your boots
Watercolour on paper
Moira – Tyre-d Feet
Watercolour on paper
Jean Fox – In Her Dreams (original image, India 1946)
Charcoal, acrylic, collage oa found plastic canvas from a local tip
Francesca Wilkes – Desert Dreams
Collage on reused canvas board with acrylic
Francesca Wilkes – Flight of Fancy
Collage on reused canvas board with acrylic
Francesca Wilkes – Symbolic Thoughts

Collage on reused canvas board with acrylic

Jill Chatterton – Button Sunset
Collage: recycled buttons
Jill Chatterton – Fruity Pots
Mixed media painting and collage using recycled material
Adriana – Peruvian Woman
Mixed media
Adriana – Ski Boot
Acrylic on paper

Harriet Thinking about dinner 

Turmeric, chili powder, curry powder, mustard (all steeped in cooking oil), chipotle on paper
Harriet – Running home for dinner
Chili powder, curry powder, mustard (all steeped in cooking oil), ground black pepper on paper
Harriet – Dawn by Glastonbury Tor (plant based) 
Blackcurrant, red currant, cherry, mulberry,
flowers of:  mallow, ragwort, knapweed, greater knapweed, sorrel,  leaves of: dock, field maple, ivy, hogweed, dogwood, elder, hogweed seeds on paper – all collected within sight of the Tor.
Phoebe – Collections I 
Mixed media in found photo album
Phoebe – Collections II 
Mixed media in found photo album
Phoebe – Collections III
Mixed media in found photo album

Cate Scott – Amethyst Deceiver (Work in Progress, some component parts)
3D Collage Mixed Media (Woodland Floor with Amethyst Deceiver fungi); paper, paper clay, waste cardboard, watercolour paint and pencil acrylic

Cate Scott – What a Waste
3D Collage Mixed Media; recycled broken foam board, acrylic paint; waste electronics, waste plastics
Cate Scott – What a Waste (alternate view)
3D Collage Mixed Media; recycled broken foam board, acrylic paint; waste electronics, waste plastics
Ken – Picnic in Gadebridge Park
Charity shop tea tray with reused acrylic painting of park underpass on paper
Ken – Milkshake the Cow
Acrylic on board and collage using materials from recycling bin
Ken – Out to play
Charity shop muffin tin spot decorated and used to display my priceless toy collection