Life Drawing and Painting home study course gallery – No. 9

Assignment: The Canovian Gypostheca

Our theme this week focuses on a particular artist and a curious collection…

The Canovian Gypostheca is a large room dedicated to plaster casts of sculptures made by renowned Italian sculptor Antonio Canova (1757-1822) and is part of the Museo Gypsotheca Canova in his home village of Possagno, Italy.

Brought together in 1829, the plaster casts are faithful copies of the sculptor’s marble pieces which are now located in collections around the world. Famed for his neo-classicist approach and mythological themes, Canova’s sculpture take their cue from classic Roman and Greek sculpture. Whilst the excavated marbles from antiquity were once painted, Canova favoured a more parred-down aesthetic and his marble work, like the archaeological treasures, remains white.

Here’s a selection of artwork and prepatory studies made by some artists taking part in the session.

Look out for another gallery of work coming soon…

Jill T – Hercules and Lichas
Ink on paper
Jill T – Endymion
Pastel on paper
Pauline – Hercules & Lichas
Graphite on paper
Pauline – Magdalene
Charcoal on paper
Biba Hunjan – I’ll Struggle On
Graphite on paper
Mario Lautier Vella – Transactions
Charcoal and acrylic on canvas

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